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1 About this blog

As part of my Arts Council England Developing Your Creative Practice Grant (DYCP) I’ve committed to writing. This is a part of my practice I want to develop - both the skill of writing and editing, and documenting what I do more skilfully / at all. I also want to share my learning in a way that I hope other artists and makers will find useful to their own professional development. I also want to use the process to help me consolidate what I learn and some blogs summarise my learning - so you can always skip to the end. I may share some of the creative process or things I write and make as the project develops. 

Latest posts

14. Creativity and Fight / Flight/ Freeze

13. This is my shit blog about the Somewhere / Anywhere project

11. Edges

12. The Power of mentoring

10. Ways of observing

9. On Permaculture Principles